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Store Policy

Terms and Conditions

By placing an order on our website, you are accepting our terms and conditions of business.


The Crafty Chizzit has taken all reasonable care in the preparation of the contents on this web site, but makes no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness or currency of the information contained in any of the materials on this website.


The Crafty Chizzit liability to the buyer shall at no time exceed the price of the goods supplied. We shall be under no liability for any direct or indirect loss and/or expense suffered by the buyer or liability to third parties incurred by the buyer which may arise from the use of this Website.


The Crafty Chizzit shall be under no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage whether direct or indirect resulting from the supply of goods. We shall be under no liability whatsoever for the quality and purpose of goods supplied to the buyer or to a third party.


Trading Name – This Website is owned and operated by The Crafty Chizzit

Wholesale Inquiries

If you’re a wholesaler or are interested in completing a bulk order with us, please contact For bulk orders, we offer a tailored approach and deal with each inquiry individually.


Let us know the quantity and delivery address (if applicable) and we will quote cost and delivery time. We can also contact couriers and arrange logistics for your brand.


We pride ourselves in exceptional customer service and we’re sure you’ll be impressed with our high quality!

Customer Care

Accuracy of Content: The Crafty Chizzit makes every effort to give a fair representation of the products that we sell, however, slight variations may sometimes occur. All measurements quoted are approximate and the reproduction of colours is as accurate as digital media, photographic and publishing processes allow.


Safety Regulations: Our products all comply with appropriate safety and consumer regulations. We will contact you immediately if a product is required to be recalled for any reason.

Privacy & Safety

The Crafty Chizzit treats your personal information with the strictest of confidence and will not share it with any third parties. Personal bank account details are directed through our PayPal and are not disclosed to The Crafty Chizzit during this process.

Payment Methods

We offer PayPal (including card payments) as our payment method. Please note that you do not have to have a PayPal account to make payment using this service, just select the credit/debit card option to continue with your order. You can read more about how these payment options work on our FAQs page.

Payment Methods
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